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Make a wish with Killian Paris

KILIAN PARIS celebrates 15 years with a limited-edition design exclusive for the Holiday season. Let the festivities begin..


Born into one of France’s most illustrious dynasties in fine liquors, Kilian Hennessy translates the sensibility and vision inherited from his ancestors into the realm of perfume. A culture of pursuing ultimate luxury, and his audacious rule-breaking approach, define his name’s sake brand, KILIAN PARIS.

“I want to put perfumery back on its pedestal by going back to the truth about perfume; back to the way perfume was made in the late 19th and the early 20th century, but adding a contemporary twist at the same time.”

While the name Hennessy implies pedigree, the name Kilian is the personalization of passion. The unique experiences of Kilian Hennessy’s life define his creative pursuits, and his scents are inspired by his personal memories. Heritage, world travel, encounters with artists, exotic tastes, delicious addictions, and a flirtatious self-confidence all inform Kilian Hennessy’s dazzling creative spirit and his approach to fragrance. Kilian Hennessy believes perfume is not only a weapon of seduction but also symbolic armor, a shield of protection from the outside world.

Twisting traditional French luxury with his own audacious take, Kilian Hennessy has created his contemporary vision of French perfumery with a nod to artisans of the past. A true Master of Scent, working closely with renowned noses as he directs the creation of each fragrance. Known for his long-lasting accords that recall luxury French fragrances of former eras, Kilian Hennessy is uncompromising on the quality of ingredients, privileging the raw and rare and harkening to a rich legacy that stretches from centuries past. The resulting fragrances create a passionate dance between conventional and unorthodox.